An interdisciplinary group of technologists and brain cancer experts
Our community of researchers is actively engaged in multidisciplinary collaborations and have a proven track record of scholarship, innovation, translation and entrepreneurship. Our teams have successfully advanced their innovations to clinical trials and to new startup companies to impact patient lives.
Executive Committee
Faculty Affiliates
Wajd N. Al-Holou
Anuska Andjelkovic-Zochowska
Sandra Camelo-Piragua
Maria Castro
Arul Chinnaiyan
Toshiro Hara
Jason Heth
Todd Hollon
Larry Junck
Richard Keep
Michelle Kim
Joerg Lahann
Pedro Lowenstein
Gary Luker
Sofia D. Merajver
James Moon
Karin Muraszko
Deepak Nagrath
Sunitha Nagrath
Nouri Neamati
Arvind Rao
Maureen Sartor
Steven Schwendeman
Anna Schwendeman
Peter Tessier
Greg Thurber
Sriram Venneti
Daniel Wahl
Zhen Xu
Lili Zhao
Guizhi (Julian) Zhu